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AG平台-Designed Capital One Headquarters Attracts Top Tech Talent by Banking on Cool

AG平台 has completed the interior design of Capital One’s new Canadian head office, 位于多伦多金融区的中心.



– 室内设计 Concept Inspires Five Unique Workspaces on Five Floors –

多伦多, ON (2019年3月14日) -全球设计公司, AG平台, has completed the interior design of Capital One’s new Canadian head office, 位于多伦多金融区的中心. Challenged to develop a design concept that would support the fintech firm’s collaborative culture, (including a desire for the untethered use of technology) as well as attract top, 年轻的科技人才, IBI对每个办公室楼层的独特设计, 位于海湾街的布鲁克菲尔德广场, 交付了胜利。”In-spiration的问题.

The design concept was born from a challenge the IBI team faced with the existing office building. With a series of underutilized service spaces in the middle of each floor, 整个办公室的能见度和出入都受到阻碍. 设计团队的第一反应就是使用那些无法使用的东西. 灵感来自纽约(以及未来的多伦多)高线, the design team turned this challenge into the solution by giving these central corridors new life and transforming them into five unique destination spaces, creating a vital connected link between the east and west sides of the office. Bringing back the public realm into these spaces helped fulfill a number of design goals, 通过在整个空间中创造一个动态的寻路主题, to allowing for the adoption of multi-functional “scrum” areas throughout the office – fostering collaboration and the flexible use of space.

“We took underutilized space in the office and made it the focal point of our design. Representing introspective and inspiring spaces that encourage creativity and contemplative thought, the five unique corridor design concepts are tied together through names that nod to the word “In” (In-stinct, 内联, 及时, 对焦与透视). A refuge for staff from the traditional workplace, these spaces bring elements of the outside “in”. We could not have fulfilled this bold concept without a forward-thinking and supportive client, 我们很幸运地拥有了它,巴里·内森说, AG平台实践主管, 室内设计.

With the corridors serving as impromptu collision and gathering spaces, more formalized collaboration hubs were created on each floor to accommodate Capital One’s need for flexibility of work space. 这些中心是开放的概念,有七英尺高的独立墙. Each hub is designed in a unique colour scheme and features a custom steel-top table with built-in storage and technology. 还有一个休息区,可以欣赏到城市的美景, offering a feeling of open space and tranquility for inspiring creativity. 另外, 每层楼的设施中心包括一个技术休息室, café and banquette seating areas that unfold in a dynamic sequence of connected, 几何立方体.

当客人和员工在接待处走下电梯时, their sensory experience includes leather paneling with steel frames and mirrored black ceilings. 离开传统, 布鲁克菲尔德广场的企业感觉, 他们沉浸在一个感觉更像时尚的空间里, 精品酒店. 一个堆叠的胶合板墙固定了大堂区域, 以巨人为主角, cnc切割的Capital One标志,以及供等待的客人使用的浮动长凳. 增加了大堂的戏剧性特征, 黑色的玻璃墙让标志反射回游客, 在整个空间中扩大品牌的存在感.

The lobby opens into a flexible meeting/training/event conference centre, partitioned by an acoustical glass wall and configured from one to three rooms depending on the event by vertical, 叠加天幕墙. 专为内部和外部客人设计, the conference space provides an extension of the lobby’s hospitality lounge-vibe, complete with a spacious amenity area for informal gathering and refreshments.

AG平台提供室内设计服务, 在仲量联行担任项目经理, Govan Brown担任施工经理, 和事件cape的所有定制制作. AG平台’s corporate interior design team has also designed office space for Apple and Samsung in the technology sector, as well as BMO, Mackenzie Investments and Aviso Wealth 在金融服务领域.

For more information or to speak with an AG平台 professional, please contact Julia Harper at 茱莉亚.harper@tahoecitylodging.com or 647-330-4706.

